There has been some question as to how we host this grid and to the professionalism of what we do. In section 4 of this page is an image of our servers and beside that is a description of each server. Hopefully this will dispell any further question of our professionalism. We care about what is happening on our grid and pay attention to the little details as well as the Big issues. WestWorldGrid boasts a Forum, Website, many Social Media accounts, Member back office, and more. Our Present active membership all work to better the grid and have told us they are proud to call WestWorldGrid home. There are many reasons to join WestWorldGrid just one of which is cost of land which is extremely reasonable. Please feel free to view this website and should you elect to join us, you will be most welcome. WestWorldGrid has been operating since June of 2012 and we are based in the Netherlands

We are not new to virtual worlds or grid ownership/management. Between the 3 of us, we have more than 20 years of experience being in Virtual Worlds and now have more than 15 man years experience running and owning a grid. The three of us started this grid out of frustration in dealing with grid owners who have a completely different outlook toward ownership of a grid and the long hours it takes to make a grid work. We also got tired of no forward movement in developement and a complete lack of regard to the issues of their memberships. Affordability was another issue with a region cost being anywhere from free to over 300 US dollars per month to maintain. Through deep discussion over several months came the idea to build our own grid. It has been a long and sometimes very tiring proposition but here we are almost 14 years later and still going, still caring and still developing. New ideas, new stratagies to make the grid better, to make your experience better and above all else to keep the costs down to make for a far more affordable grid to live and work on. Our growth is steady, Developement is on going and we now have opensim version fully operational, which provides an even better experience.

Lets be perfectly clear..WestWorldGrid does not offer, nor make, any judgement on which is better. That is your decision and opinion. We have ours, you make your decision based on YOUR experience. While Second Life has held a dominant position in virtual world and life for many years, such is not the case any longer. OpenSim is gaining more membership and offers, for some, a better experience. Be advised, not all SL (Havoc) scripts work in Opensim. You will need to change your scripting methods when you go to an Opensim world and again when those Opensim worlds upgrade to versions above 0.8. Of the 2 major types of physics engines available to Opensim, ODE physics engine for versions and under, Bullet Physics engine on version 0.8 and higher. (WestWorldGrid Offers both ODE and Bullet Physics on designated regions) WestWorldGrid uses Opensim version 0.9.1 .

WestWorldGrid Professional Servers

Server Description

Server 1 8 core X5450 3.00 GHz 32 GB
Server 2 8 core E5410 2.33 GHz 32 GB
Server 3 8 core E5410 2.33 GHz 32 Gb
Server 4 4 core E5410 2.33 GHz 32 Gb
Server 5 8 core E5310 2.33 GHz 32 Gb
Copyright © WestWorldGrid